Friday, 12 November 2010

Audience Research

Audience research

1.This question was about gender and Iaskedthis question because it is relevant to the magazine because it makes me awareof the people to aim  the magazine at. The results were that at random selection I had asked 9 males and 11 females

2.The second question was about age the reason why this question was asked is so that only those who go to collee complete it. The result were that there were 11 16yr olds, 6 17 yr olds , 2 18yr olds and 1 19 yr old.
3.The next question that I asked was it the would like a college magazine and Iasked this questionto show that there was apurpose for making a magazine in the first place.The results were all 20 people wanted a college magazine.

4.The next question I asked was about what they would want in the magazine if there was one the results
were a wide range the mostfavourable choices were sport health university applications

5.The next  question that I asked was about the amount of times it should be distributed the popularchoices were weekly and monthly the final results were monthlyand the ones that didn't get  chosen were yearly and by term.
6.The next question I asked was the price most people were willing to pay for each magazine once it wasdistributed?       
7. This question was about prizesand freebies the result was that they want freebies and prizes.This was a closed question and 14 peole said yes whereas 6 people said no out of 20 people altogether.
8.The next question was about whether they would like to help with making the magazine and if so what do they prefer doing? the results were that 4 peoplewerewilling to write the articles,7 were willing to take photos,5 people were willing to do the editing,4 are willing to do advertising.

9 This question was to do with the number of pages the magazine was to have/the popular choice was 16-20 pages etc.
10.The next question I asked was to do with the colour scheme for the magazine many chose other as they felt thecolours weren't what they wanted but the next closest choice was blue and black followed by black and white.
11. This question was about whether the magazine should aim at being educational rather than entertaining the majority  vote was entertaining this would help me now what to include in the contents page as well as the content of the magaine as a whole.
My name is Magdalene and I am undertaking research to conduct a college magazine please help participate by answering the questions below.
1. What gender are you?

2. How old are you?
19 +

3. Would you like a college magazine?

4. What section should the magazine focus on? You can tick more than box

University applications
Coping with college
E.g. scrabble, word search
Advice section
Past student articles

5. How many times do you want the magazine to be distributed?
By term

6. What price are you willing to pay for each magazine?

£0.00p – £0.50p
£0.51p – £1.00p

7. Would you like for us to include prizes or freebies?

8. Would you like to take part in the college magazine in any way? If yes tick the one of interest if not tick no
Writing articles
Taking photographs

9. How many pages do you recommend the magazine?
10 -15

10. What colour scheme do you want for the college magazine cover?
Black and white
Pink and black
Blue and black

11. Would you like the magazine to be more educational or entertaining?

12. What size do you want the magazine to be?

Thank you for participating in this questionnaire